Using StreamYard for Instagram live
Using StreamYard for Instagram live

Using StreamYard for Instagram live

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You can now use StreamYard to go live on Instagram. Use Instagram stream key and URL to setup StreamYard. Here is how: 


1. Open and click the “Add Post” button (plus symbol inside a square) and select “Live” from the dropdown menu.

2. Within the “Go live” screen, enter the title of your live video and select your audience. “Public” will broadcast to your followers as a normal live video. “Practice” will not be broadcast to anyone.

3. You will then see a screen that contains your unique URL and stream key, along with instructions on how to use them.

4. Head back over to StreamYard. Go to your Destinations tab, click "Add a Destination", and then "Instagram Live" to open the window.

5. Now add your custom URL and stream key. 

6. To initiate a new broadcast, navigate to the Broadcasts tab, click the Create button. Then choose Live Stream and select the Instagram destination you previously added. From there, you can set up your broadcast studio.

7. When you are ready, click Go Live inside your StreamYard studio first, to begin sending your live video feed to Instagram. 

8. To start broadcasting, make sure that your video is visible in the Preview area of Instagram. Once it's there, you can initiate the broadcast by selecting Go Live on both StreamYard and Instagram.

How to use streaming software to go live on Instagram?